Torque Release Technique

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All of our docs are Advanced Proficiency Certified in Torque Release Technique. This has been proven, through research, to be one of the most specific and scientific chiropractic techniques in the world. This technique provides our practice members, of any age, with the most gentle and reproducible chiropractic adjustments available. It is a mixture of the best-of-the-best systems of chiropractic assessment and care.

Torque Release Technique (TRT) involves using The Integrator, a torque and recoil release adjusting instrument which automatically discharges when a predetermined contact pressure is reached. With chiropractic having entered its second century, this up-to-date, functional, scientific, neurologically based model is the best that is available today. 


Chiropractic Integrator

Through the specific analysis, our docs can identify where and if there is any nerve interference, down to the vertebral level. They will then administer very gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments to align the spine and remove the interference. This specificity leads to better results and longer lasting effects.

The Torque Release Technique is:

  1. PRECISE: When using an Integrator you can pinpoint the exact point on the spine that requires adjustment of nerve frequency. Manual adjusting lacks this degree of accuracy.

  2. SPECIFIC: The force, frequency of energy, torque, speed and thrust provided by the Integrator have all been tailor-made to deliver the perfect amount of energy to help normalize nerve function. Break through from a mechanistic attempt to facilitate neurological change to a system that ensures tonal change.

  3. GENTLE: An Integrator adjustment can be delivered with the spine in a perfectly relaxed neutral position with the perfect amount of force: Whereas a traditional adjustment requires the spine to be stretched to a position of tension followed by the manual thrust by hand to sufficiently open the spinal joints to activate a cavitation response.

  4. FAST: The incredibly fast but shallow impulse is one of the secrets to the effectiveness of this adjustment while being so gentle.

  5. RECOIL: Another of the secret ingredients built into the Integrator is recoil. This bounce in the impulse increases the body’s response.

  6. TORQUE: Subatomic particles, atoms, muscles, and human bodies move in three dimensions. The three-dimensional impulse of the Integrator maximizes the effectiveness on the human body.

  7. EFFECTIVE: The benefits of Integrator adjustments have been measured by scientific research and this research has been published in major peer-reviewed medical journals.

  8. RELIABLE: The way that the Integrator delivers an adjustment is very consistent and reliable so that the right amount of force and energy is transmitted on each and every adjustment.

  9. CONSISTENT: The systems that are used in TRT and the features of the Integrator are very standardized which means that several practitioners using the same method can deliver the same results and experience.

  10. RECOGNIZED: The Integrator holds several patents and is a legally marketed device for the adjustment of the Vertebral Subluxation; only available to licensed Doctors of Chiropractic.

Torque Release Technique® method of finding where to adjust uses a model that has pulled the best aspects from many of the great, traditional chiropractic techniques that the profession was founded upon. The multi-factorial approaches pioneered in the following techniques:

  • Thomson, Terminal Point

  • D.N.F.T., Van Rumpt,

  • S.O.T., DeJarnette,

  • Logan Basic

  • Toftness

  • Palmer Upper Cervical

  • Network Chiropractic Spinal Analysis

  • Activator

 This gives our technique a unique approach that gives results many haven’t seen with other techniques they’ve tried.

"Torque Release Technique is based upon what [the founders of chiropractic] Drs. D.D. and B.J. Palmer intended – that we have innate and genetic potential and that the subluxation interferes with this expression. TRT is a tonal technique based on constant never ending improvement.”

Matthew McCoy, D.C. 

Director of Research Life University, Chief Editor of Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research; VP of Council of Chiropractic Practice

For more information on the Torque Release Technique please go to:

Webster Technique

The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved. 

Dr. Larry Webster, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), discovered this technique as a safe means to restore proper pelvic balance and function. It is a specific sacral analysis that can be used on all weight bearing individuals to determine S/I joint dysfunction/ sacral subluxation. The assessment includes heel flexion to buttocks, with restricted flexion indicating the affected SI joint. Correction is made with a diversified, sacral adjustment. It is used on all weight bearing individuals presenting with this biomechanical restriction. Common symptoms include (but are not limited to) low back pain, sciatic neuralgia, and symptoms associated with sacral subluxation and/ or S/I joint dysfunction.

The ICPA recognizes that in a theoretical and clinical framework of the Webster Technique in the care of pregnant women, sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia).  Dystocia is caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. The correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.

Bellevue Pregnancy Chiropractor

In this clinical and theoretical framework, it is proposed that sacral misalignment may contribute to the three primary causes of dystocia via uterine nerve interference, pelvic misalignment and the tightening and torsion of specific pelvic muscles and ligaments.  The resulting tense muscles and ligaments and their aberrant effect on the uterus may prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for birth. 

In regards to pregnant mothers, Dr. Webster reported that when a mother sought care and her baby was in a breech position, the restoration of pelvic neuro-biomechanics with this adjustment also frequently facilitated optimal fetal positioning.  There are cases published in the chiropractic literature that support this theory. More research is needed and is currently underway by the ICPA.

Nashville Pregnancy

The obstetric literature has determined that correct positioning of the baby in-utero affect birth outcome and decrease the potential for undue stress to the baby's developing spine and nerve system. Obstetric literature has determined the importance of normal pelvic neuro-biomechanics including uterine function and pelvic alignment for the prevention of dystocia (difficult birth). It has also determined that correct positioning of the baby in-utero affects birth outcome and decreases the potential for undue stress to the baby's developing spine and nerve system. Chiropractic literature has determined the significance of sacral adjustments in normalizing pelvic neuro-biomechanics. 

It is therefore considered prudent that this specific sacral analysis and adjustment be used throughout pregnancy to detect and alleviate sacral imbalance and optimize pelvic neuro-biomechanics in the mother. Because of the particular female adaptations from the increase of hormones, weight gain and postural adaptations, pregnant mothers have a greater chance of sacral subluxation and neuro-biomechanical imbalance than the general population. Additionally, because of the effect the chiropractic adjustment has on all body functions by reducing nerve system stress, pregnant mothers may have significant benefit by having their spines checked regularly throughout pregnancy, optimizing health benefits for both the mother and baby. 

For more information on the Webster Technique go to:


All of our docs received their certificate of proficiency in pediatric and family chiropractic care through the Pediatric Experience (PX) Program. This allows our docs to serve our local families, pregnant mams, and kids through the most recent techniques, information, and precision. What differentiates PX Docs from a regular chiropractor?

PX Docs are experts in Pediatric, Prenatal, and Family Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care. We fill a gap in the health care system that few families are even told exists.

Currently parents are primarily given only two (2) health care options:

  1. Traditional Medicine 👨‍⚕️ – focuses on diagnosis and the treatment of symptoms of a disease, not the root cause(s).

  2. Natural & Integrative Medicine 💊 – takes a more holistic and natural approach to care through diet and lifestyle change, supplementation, detoxification, etc.

There will always be an important role for both of these health care approaches for our children and families. But they don’t specifically address and care for the most crucial system in all of our health and well-being. This is the brain and central or autonomic nervous system 💥.

Millions of families have exhausted 😩 both medical and nutritional approaches. Yet they see their children continue to suffer from poor health and chronic conditions. This is where our network of trained, experienced, neurologically-focused Pediatric & Family Chiropractors steps in.

The PX Docs are a network of committed, compassionate, expert docs in exactly that! We are here to provide you non-stop stories that will inspire you and endless information & resources that provide the answers you seek!

What can you expect when you bring your child to a PX Doc?


While it sounds cliché, this is truly what sets our PX Docs so far apart from the rest of health care. We actually, really listen. We fully understand that that the real answers 📝 to where a child’s health and development got off track are in their case history. No one knows every important detail of that story like their parents.

It all starts with our customized intake paperwork 📋. Here we find anything and everything that contributed to the Perfect Storm 🌪. The set of challenges that may have overwhelmed and imbalanced your child’s nervous system.

From there, we won’t leave you wondering. Our PX Docs are incredible educators and communicators. They will explain to you exactly how the science of chiropractic works. They will explain what to expect, and answer any questions you may have! You’ll be blown away by your PX Doc just after the consultation! But the good news is… we’re just getting started!


We don’t guess, we test.

The vast majority of neurological-focused health care 🥼 is really only looking for obvious pathology. This completely misses the boat on actually measuring neurological function. As nerdy 🤓 as this sounds, it’s actually super simple. 

PX Docs focus 100% of their clinical care on the autonomic nervous system. This controls and coordinates the function of every other system and cell in the body. This is why so many Perfect Storm 🌪 kids also have significant challenges with gut 💩 function, immune 🤒 function, behavioral 😠 and emotional 😟 well-being, and more. 

The Insight Scans are absolutely incredible! They are an entirely non-invasive way of measuring 🔢 how much neurological dysfunction and distress (subluxation) is stuck within your child’s autonomic nervous system. They also help us locate and map out 🗺 exactly where the worst of it is! 


This is where it all comes together! Our PX Docs are absolute masters at building personalized, customized, goal-focused Care Plans that get the most incredible of results.

Our Care Plan is based entirely on the principles of neuroplasticity 🧠 and Perfect Storm 🌪 science. Our Care Plan process sets us apart not only from other forms of chiropractic, but from all forms of health care period.

Your PX Doc will sit down with you knee-to-knee and walk you through every bit of the Consultation & Insight Exam findings 📂. They will explain what everything means. But most importantly lay out the details of the Neurological Restoration Care Plan 📝 best suited to meet the goals you put forth for your child and family!