Join Children's Health Experts Dr. Kent and Dr. Jocelyn For an Educational, Empowering & Practical Workshop

WEDNESDAY, May 22nd • 6:15pm

Please note. This is an adult only event. There will not be childcare provided


One of the biggest challenges we see with expecting moms is that they simply don’t know, what they don’t know.

As a society, we have been taught that labor is something that is guaranteed to be excruciatingly painful, an extreme medical emergency, and something that you can’t (or shouldn’t) handle without medical interventions.

What we know is that women have been giving birth since the beginning of time and it is something that a woman’s body knows how to innately do.

Why are we hosting this? Aren’t there enough courses out there? Well.. what we have seen is that the more women know about their bodies and the physiology behind labor - the more prepared they feel to honor their body during this time. The more women know, the less fear they have. The less fear they have, the better the birth outcome. Simple as that.

Join us for a delightful evening as we delve into why parents, providers, & educators have been commending this groundbreaking approach presented at our workshop.

Meet Dr. Jocelyn

Dr. Jocelyn and Dr. Kent are the owners and founders of Crossroads Chiropractic. In 2021, Dr. Jocelyn became pregnant with their first child. Dr. Jocelyn and her brother were both born via C-Section but she knew she wanted to write a different story for her own child. In July 2022, Dr. Jocelyn gave birth to their daughter, Lyla, at home after 31 hours of labor with a midwife and amazing support team. Her home birth didn’t happen because she is superhuman. She took the time to equip herself with the right resources, had team to support her, and had trust that her body was build for labor.

Throughout her pregnancy, Dr. Jocelyn dug into her resources as a provider, notes from seminars, took labor and delivery courses, and became as knowledgeable as she could about her options and the physiology behind pregnancy and birth.

In working with many pregnant moms over the years, the doc team at Crossroads realized that many moms have negative birth outcomes because there is a lack of education. A lot of the birth “education” courses offered at hospitals and birth centers in the area focus more on interventions and potential emergencies than the physiology behind birth and what incredible process that a woman’s body goes through.

After many conversations about how to get this information out to pregnant moms, the Labor Prep Workshop was born.